The top 1% of the population owns 40% of the private wealth. There's the Cultural Revolution, goading the disinformed the same way they did before the last Civil War.
Roland in comments:
Why on earth is Jon Stewart calling for sweet reason at a time like this?
The top 1% isn’t listening to reason. Why should they? They got what they want. They like it this way. Unless someone makes them stop, they’ll just keep on going.
You could make a logically foolproof, superbly researched, cogently argued case for a more equitable wealth distribution, as maximizing long-term utility for everyone. But so what? Mr. or Ms. 1% would pretend to listen, nod a bit, and then reply, “Fine. Whatever. See ya.”
Sweet Reason only works when the interlocutors have some level of mutual respect. The top 1% currently has no respect whatsoever for the bottom 80%.
According to the ethical values of the top 1%, success is what makes you respectable. If you’re not successful, you’re just a loser, and simply not worth taking seriously.
If you’re not taken seriously, how can you employ Sweet Reason when discussing affairs with the top 1%? Answer: you can’t.
Or the top 1% wanna-bees. There's force behind the Cultural Revolution. Those that want it all, and can never really hope to have it, manipulated by those who have it already.
Alas, I don't think it is possible to make them stop. They own the government. They own the media. They have the world's greatest intelligence agencies, and the world's most ruthless people backing them up.
And as far as the border goes- if it gets that bad here, do you really think they will allow Canada to stay untouched?
The border might be good for awhile, but friends, if you leave, I'd advise you to keep on going. Because if it gets that bad- and if there's any money in it for the top 1%, it most assurredly will- America will suffer the same fate of every other hubristic Empire. In a nuclear world, that could get very bad indeed.