Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Interrogation

From Justin Road over at the Muckraker:

...In a new court filing on behalf of alleged dirty bomber Jose Padilla, his lawyers allege that government interrogators forced him to take LSD, Gerstein reported.

"Additionally, Padilla was given drugs against his will, believed to be some form of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or phencyclidine (PCP), to act as a sort of truth serum during his interrogations," he quotes the filing.

Now, There are some important details that aren't explained: Padilla's lawyers don't say what effects the prisoner reported to make them conclude it was LSD or PCP, nor do they report how many times such a drug or drugs were administered. And as any self-respecting child of the D.A.R.E era knows, LSD and PCP typically produce wildly different behavior (neither of which is particularly helpful if you're trying to get information out of someone)...

That's because it probably wasn't either LSD or PCP, but more likely a tropane alkaloid known as QNB or Agent Buzz in the Army rumored to be experimented with by the Company in Iraq.

You got it. The Company is using torture and chemical weapons on American citizens. Saddam, meet Darth Rumsfeld, your real soul mate, and maybe (in our dreams) your future cellmate.

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