Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Unincorporated Freelance Objects

Somebody call the Department of Homeland Security. The terra'ists have out done the D(ummies).o'D(ARPA)., again. A solar powered hyperblimp.

They use robotic remote controls, can be solar powered, and are not the clumsy cumbersome billion dollar giants Northrop-Grummon wants to sell the D.o'D. Apparently you could build one in Utah to have it take pictures in somebody's back yard in New Jersey:

... how remote controlled can we make these things? A friend of mine whose job is working with radio controls on commercial ocean-going ships, tells me he could set the hyperblimp up to travel anywhere in the U.S.A., with ham radio repeating stations, sending video images back to yours truly, in hodunk, Utah. And what, I wonder, about cell phone technology? If these are in the realm of feasibility for a sixth grade teacher to develop in his "spare time" (on a teacher's salary!), I suppose that there is a very bright future for hyperblimps...

So bright ya gotta wear shades...

Check out Noah Shachtman's new blog over at Wired. He's been one of my best sources for technology you'd not expect, a long time before anyone else sees it.

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