Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The AEI Delegate Rattles His Sabers

First, an update on the Plame affair from the Los Angeles Times, to remind you of the facts, thanks to Crooks and Liars for the link.

Second, an update on the swinging UN delegate most likely to have whispered secrets to Judith Miller while giving mustache rides, John Bolton.

Not only is Bolton pre emptively condemning the IAEA report clearing Iran of having weapons of mass destruction, he's doing his best to trash the UN for his Big Time boss.


Jay Taber said...

high crimes, high appointments, high theater

kelley b. said...

Remember that the main force financially supporting and organizing the UN is the United States and Western Europe.

If the people calling the shots are fascists, so will be the arms of the body.