Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

No Jolly Green Giant

Time for the Vice President to Explain Himself
Published: October 30, 2005

It's time for Dick Cheney to give the nation "a stiff dose of truth."

In calling for Cheney to resign, it reads:

First, Democrats should wipe the smiles off their faces. This is a humiliation for the entire country, and their glee is unseemly. Moreover, the situation is not that neocons are all crooks, but that one vice-presidential aide must be presumed innocent of trying to cover up conduct that may not have been illegal in the first place.

Not all NeoCons are crooks, unless you count things like subversion of the Constitution, war profiteering, and repressing the American people. Or supporting a couple of stolen elections in order to get your own way.

Sounds like Kristof just wants a Con he can trust...

No, we're not out of the woods by a long shot. Bu$hCo is just going to start playing it smarter. Instead of an absolute patsy in the Supreme Court, he'll nominate a Robert Bork clone blowhard that will vote pretty much the same way.

Here's one symptom of the underlying disease that infects all of us. The progressive delusion that "...the US bestrode the world like a radiant colussus, admired by its many friends and feared by its enemies."

The Jolly Green Giant we have never been. Somebody seems to have slipped some Kool-Aid into our orange juice. Even the most benevolent colossus tends to walk like Godzilla on the little people it can't see, and that includes almost everyone in its way.

Part of it is the Clinton NeoLiberalism that is basically the same thing as NeoConservatism except, you know, we feel their pain.

No, under Clinton we didn't invade Iraq. We just bombed the hell out of it and let Al Qaeda establish bases where Saddam didn't go. We just starved several hundred thousand children to death. And profited under the table from oil-for-food. Which is admittedly a whole lot better than we're doing right now- to them or ourselves. The NeoLibs like the Clintons don't want to end Iraq now that we're there, they just want to improve our management of it.

Watch out about that Kristof cat. He actually believes the stuff he writes. So you get the worst disinformation mixed seamlessly with the facts from him.

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