Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Perfection $elections in an Imperfect World

Avedon points towards some voices who say to just forget about voting for Obama, since he seems to have forgotten about his own base.

In a perfect world I would say to Hell with the DINOcrats, and let them feed their own souls to the Lords of Chaos.

But we do that, and many more people will die than are likely to if the DINOcrats win.

The President does matter. That micromanaging Al Gore would have never allowed 9-11 to happen. John Kerry might have gotten to the bottom of what caused the War on Terra in the first place, the same way he plumbed the depths of BCCI. It's funny how all those connections are still funding Al Qaeda- and some people Kerry might have let Sibel Edmunds introduce into the main$tream.

With the lid off of that can of worms, Iraq and Afghanistan would have most likely been concluded.


But let's face it, as Bruce F. comments regarding complicity in all the dirty deals in the War on Terra:

...Nancy Pelosi, Jane Harman and Jay Rockefeller were all previous ranking members of the Intelligence Committee, all received these briefings, and were thus "compromised" and "complicit" in exactly the way that Mayer just described, because -- as Mayer put it -- they "would find it very hard at this point to point the finger at the White House, without also implicating themselves." That is one very significant reason why so many Congressional Democrats -- including the leadership -- are so supportive of immunity for Bush lawbreakers and the blocking of any investigations into the lawbreaking.

You know, we could just send the White House, the Vice Fourth Branch, the full Congress, and the Supreme Court to the Hague.

At this point, probably a majority of Americans wouldn't mind.

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