Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Down the Curve into the Rabbit Hole

The New York Pravda dares speak the unspeakable:

The Barons of Chaos top five oil companies have had plenty of time to see this:

People have been talking about this for as long as I can remember. People working at the energy companies first described the inevitability of it to me in the '70s, even before Jimmy Carter tried to warn everyone.

Yet Pravda, bless its little gray weasel of a soul, is telling me in this otherwise informative article idiot things like

As Oil Giants Lose Influence, Supply Drops

...“This is an industry in crisis,” said Amy Myers Jaffe, the associate director of Rice University’s energy program in Houston. “It’s a crisis of leadership, a crisis of strategy and a crisis of what the future looks like for the supermajors,” a term often applied to the biggest oil companies. “They are like a deer caught in headlights. They know they have to move, but they can’t decide where to go...”

Now I am certain there are many if not most energy com middle managers, financiers, hell even a few MBAs from the University of Chicago that lose sleep at night worrying about what are we gonna do when all the oil runs out.

But the Barons of Hell top five oil companies caught like deer in the headlights? At a loss for what to do?

The Gray Lady has been watching what's happened in America since the year 2000, when we lost that September 10th mindset and became an Empire, right?

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