Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


The Editors at The New York Pravda just don't seem to get it.

...A midnight filing by the Obama administration on Friday, asking a federal judge to throw out a lawsuit because of the so-called state secrets doctrine, again raises a troubling question. Why do the White House and Justice Department continue to invoke this severe legal tool essentially as prior administrations have used it, in the face of a considerable body of opinion that it has been abused and should be significantly reformed?

Could it have something to do with the fact that once the detainee policy is opened for public, it will in turn lead to a host of other issues regarding the Excellent Adventures of our national $ecurity state being examined by the main$tream, likely leading to the prosecution of most of the Department of Defense, the Bu$hCo-Cheneyburton administration, and the Nobel Laureate's administration for war crimes?

Now that would be another historical first: the first Peace Prize winner on trial at the Hague. Call him kid dy-no-mite.

Joe Biden is not getting it, big time. No whining, now, Joe. Neither are his Congressional Company DINOcratic cohorts.

...Many major donors, in fact, seem to be drawing a distinction between continuing to support left-leaning policy organizations and other institutions, and giving money to political groups focused on this election...

This is what happens when you give excellent, inspiring progressive political speeches and end up voting for policies as Poppy Bu$h tells you anyway.

And speaking of Poppy, his sockpuppet Robert Gates seems to have forgotten the lessons of Viet Nam at all levels- or maybe he just thinks his $ecurity state and propaganda machine is big enough to blow away the turbulence?

The United States is at risk of developing a cadre of military leaders who are cut off politically, culturally and geographically from the population they are sworn to protect, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told an audience at Duke University on Wednesday night...

Even after Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Gates said, “in the absence of a draft, for a growing number of Americans, service in the military, no matter how laudable, has become something for other people to do.”

I like that, at risk.

Yes, Mr. Gates, agitate for that draft. Hubris does complete its own circle, doesn't it? Or is it that simple?

Ever since Cheney did his first sleepover in the bunker under the White House, those who would rule us have been prepping for major civil unrest in the United States, knowing that would allow them to invoke the martial law they have such wet dreams about.

It's all just a matter of timing and implementation.

I stand by my first principles here: Chaos is the Plan.

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