Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

"Badges? We Don' Need No Steenkin' Badges!"

Nor search warrants:

The Bush administration and Senate Republican leaders are pushing a plan that would significantly expand the F.B.I.'s power to demand business records in terror investigations without obtaining approval from a judge, officials said on Wednesday.

The proposal, which is likely to be considered next week in a closed session of the Senate intelligence committee, would allow federal investigators to subpoena records from businesses and other institutions without a judge's sign-off if they declared that the material was needed as part of a foreign intelligence investigation...

One provision of the law that has generated perhaps more criticism than any other is Section 215, derided by critics as the "library records" provision. It allows the F.B.I. to go to a secret intelligence court to demand access to material from businesses and other institutions as part of intelligence investigations...

Secret deliberations to create secret powers to create secret courts working with secret laws to no doubt produce secret arrests, secret trials, secret sentences, secret prisons, and secret executions.

Hello, Argentina!

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