Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Stem Cell Republic

The House of Representatives defied George Bush last night and approved a bill loosening restrictions on stem cell research on human embryos, illustrating for the second time in as many days that the president is likely to face tough challenges from Congress during his second term.

Mr Bush called it a mistake and said he would exercise his presidential veto to block it...

If passed into law, yesterday's stem cell bill would lift Mr Bush's 2001 ban on federal funding for new research using stem cells from embryos that had not been destroyed before August 2001. The bill deals with embryonic stem cells, which are the building blocks for every tissue in the body. Attempting to harness those stem cells' regenerative powers is in very early research stages, but many scientists believe it has the potential to create breakthrough treatments.

Mr Bush claims the research destroys life because embryos are destroyed in the process. But supporters point out that there are embryos in fertility clinics that would be discarded and never used to create babies, but could be used for research purposes.

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