Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Jumpin' bin Shark

That didn't take long. The fairly unbalanced Fox News notices- and promotes the Osama bin Bloggin' connection. It's nice to see Hannity, bin Laden, and Cheneyburton are all reading from the same script.

So when antiwar advocates and the 67% of America that want this over immediately are declared enemies of the state, do we get the same palace in Riyadh and endless supply of Grecian Formula?

Meanwhile, the big sharks are still in the water as the propaganda blitzkrieg to git thar Iran On continues. Step 1: convince the rubes the IraqIranistan situation is all good, and those are roses the locals are handing us. Pay no attention to the cooks behind those books, which of course are never actually going to be put into print.

Although Petraeus refuses to issue an written report this week, that doesn't stop the D.o'D. from leaking all sorts of unsupported feel good peudostats about Iraq to justify the shiny surginess of it all. Insurgents shot in the front aren't really insurgents. Sunni killing Sunni and Shiite killing Shiite aren't victims of the civil war, but victims of crime. Although Wahhabi and Ba'athist are both Sunni, and love each other about as much as the generic Sunni and the generic Shia.

Jumpin' the shark with our troops in the middle now, too, I guess...

As usual, Glenn Greenwald nails the Kingfish better than I can. But as long as the money bankrolling the D.C. machine is totally independent of public opinion, count on the Great 'Merikan War Dream Machine to keep making that leap of faith that keeps it lubed with the blood of patriots.


Anonymous said...

you couldnt even have seen that shark right there
in front of you?

kelley b. said...

I came, I saw, and I made shark fin soup.

But then, I never thought those teeth were roses, either.

Anonymous said...

i seen that shark in the last pic a million times

Anonymous said...

Omg damn scary

Anonymous said...

too bad that last picture is of a porpoise, not a shark.