Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Lies, Damn Lies, and If They Showed You How They Figured Their Statistics

...they'd have to kill you:

...To recap, first the public was incorrectly led to believe that Gen. David Petraeus would issue his own report about the situation on the ground in Iraq. Then the Los Angeles Times reported that the so-called “Petraeus report” would “actually be written by the White House.”

Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) then suggested the White House would probably “tweak” the “Petraeus report.” In an effort to put the controversy to rest, Gen. David Petraeus assured lawmakers that the White House was not going to be involved in the “"writing” of the report:

Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-Fla.), told reporters Thursday that Petraeus said he and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker had briefed the administration on the situation in Iraq, but added that “as far as [Petraeus] is concerned … he is writing his recommendations of that report and testimony.”

Now, apparently there will be no written report from Gen. Petraeus at all. While Petraeus’ statement to Congress will be made available, the public will not know what information he is providing to President Bush. The lack of transparency over Petraeus’ “report” will only intensify the high level of skepticism surrounding his statistics...

Despite all the assertions that 'Merika is behind Petraeus and Dear Leader by the likes of Michael Gordon and Mary Matalin, et cetera ad nauseum, Kevin Drum digs up this rather more extensive poll to show, in fact, although we support our troops, we aren't and we don't believe Fearless Leader.

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