Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The difference being which borg assimilates you

Lambert, along with Vastleft, have come out pretty strongly in favor of HHHillary.

While I agree with everything they’ve said about Obama, I have to respectfully disagree about Hillary. Which pretty much is evident by my trivial name for her: H(ubert)H(oratio)Hillary. The resemblence to Hubert Horatio Humphrey is uncanny. Like him, she's a civil liberal progressive seduced by the Iron Triangle.

I don’t think she’s a known quantity.

The Hillary I thought I knew would have never signed on to Iraq. The Hillary I knew would have never been seduced by Lieberman to go along with the dismantling of the New Deal and the United States Constitution. The Hillary I knew would be aiming all her guns at the Rethuglican iron triangle that pretty much runs everything these days.

Since Obama became assimilated, yes, he’s been a progressive in nebulous speech but a conservative in actual vote. So has Hillary. While I don’t see either precipitating world war in the Oval Office- unlike McCain or Hucklebee- I don’t see them stopping up the Company-owned D.o’D.’s black hole that’s collapsing a Republic into an Imperial event horizon.

Edwards did originally vote for Iraq- but unlike HHHillary, recanted. He actually formulated fairly detailed plans for public health, corporate and economic reform, and war de-escalation. Not that the corporate main$tream, soaked in warbucks and oilbucks, reported them.

He was moving away from the dark side of the force, and seems to want to keep heading in that direction. Of course, that pretty much precludes public service in the new Empire. He may have been naive, but he's not dumb.

I will vote Democratic this November to buy time, because time is all we can hope for, and the only thing that may give us a chance to act on the problem. But, seriously, knowing what I know you know, do anyone think it’s going to be counted? One way or the other?

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