Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

On the desirability of cynicism.

I'm cynical and proud of it.

People who aren’t cynical, especially the ones that are intentionally, studiously credulous, tend to be gullible.

In other words, stupid.

Cynicism makes for good science.

Hillary’s worse than the Prime Unit of the Oborg, and no, I have not been assimilated. There's this little Constitutional amendment limiting the term of a President to 8 years. Just think about what could happen if the Republicans stole another 8 years for Laura Bush, and then Babs the Elder and Younger, and then Jenna.

But let’s not go there. People, the constant bickering should come to a close soon. Say, this summer sometime.

It would be good for us to subdue our acrimony towards Democrats.

Democrats will be facing McCain this fall. Likely Huckabee will be part of his machine, if not the Vice President. Yes, the two men most likely to pour napalm on the fire in the Middle East, and South America too. And their neocon and theocon supporters.

One of them might toss red, white, and blue nukes. The other definitely wants to bring back the Dark Ages, rewrite the Constitution, and establish Dominionist sharia law. His nukes will doubtless have little prayers engraved on them. Both of them will likely attempt to steal this $election, because, you know, the ends justify the means.

Hillary or Obama. Certs is a candy mint or a breath mint. I’ll vote for either, just to get the Soros faction of the Carlyle Group back into the driver’s seat. Not that there’s anything good about that. It’s just not as bad as total destruction.

Let’s consider spending more bandwidth bringing down the people who will do the most damage to the Constitution, the world, and everything that lives in it.

Remember that over 80% of Obama supporters say they would support a Clinton ticket and vice-versa. Possibly the best way to reach the other 20% is to make them realize that things, bad as they are today, will get much worse with another Republican in the White House.

Especially these two.

If there isn’t an overwhelming majority voting Democratic this fall, and the Republicans steal it again, the changes in a McCain-Huckabee administration will make everyone long for the relatively sane days of Cheneyburton oligarchy.

Just sayin’.

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