Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Extreme Rear Endition

Liberal Oasis has a good breakdown of the hypocrisy of American deals with our ally in the War on Terra, Uzbekistan.

You know, the place we've contracted to do our Rendition for us. A polite term for boiling your detainees alive so they can't say anything damaging to a Patriot. You know, a place where the cops just gunned down dozens of fleeing antiwar protesters.

George W. Bu$h's (and Enron's) kind of folks.

It's like Bob Herbert says:

Torturing prisoners, rather than making the U.S. safer, puts us all in greater danger. The abuses of detainees at places like Guantánamo and the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq have come to define the United States in the minds of many Muslims and others around the world. And the world has caught on that large percentages of the people swept up and incarcerated as terrorists by the U.S. were in fact innocent of wrongdoing and had no connection to terrorism at all.

Bitterness against the U.S. has increased exponentially since the initial disclosures about the abuse of detainees. What's the upside of policies that demean the U.S. in the eyes of the world while at the same time making us less rather than more secure?

The government, like an addict in denial, will not even admit that we have a problem.

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