Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"...so Penguinesque from Batman"

Does it cc to the N.S.A and send your credit card number to the BCCI, too?

A story by Minnesota Public Radio reveals a disturbing new way that a political party is secretly grabbing sensitive personal information about voters.

This week the Minnesota Republican Party is distributing a new CD about a proposed state marriage amendment. Along with flashy graphics, the CD asks people their views on controversial issues such as abortion, gun control, illegal immigration, and so on.

The problem – the CD sends your answers back to headquarters, filed by name, address, and political views. No mention of that in the terms of use. No privacy policy at all. The story concludes: “So if you run the CD in your personal computer, by the end of it, the Minnesota GOP will not only know what you think on particular issues, but also who you are...”

You can bet all those ridiculous CDs AOL constantly sends out do the same sort of thing too. Purely for targeted advertising purposes, of course.

Thanks to Atrios for the link.

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