Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, May 05, 2006

CIA vs. DIA doesn't begin to describe it

This reminds me a WWF free for all in more ways than one. It has the feel of high drama. Still, you get the impression there's a script they're following.

Or a better comparison yet, a dramatic scene from a ToHo Production:

You got the destruction. You got the predictable lines being dubbed in: the actors' lips move one way, and the words you hear are in a different language. You often have monsters with incredible destructive potential being presented as relative good guys. But nowhere do you actually get to see what or whom they eat.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Except for the hypocrisy, of course. You have to wonder if the hotmilitarystud4hire got his start there.

Laura Rozen has the best updates- or rumors- available at this point about the Friday afternoon rumble in D.C. She suggests tomorrow's Washington Post will have the whole ho-down (pun intended). Well, maybe, but I doubt it.

It seems likely past and current indiscretions were the precipitating factors for today's resignation.

It is suggested that Negroponte's disagreements with Goss are a cover for the scandal. One wonders. John Negroponte likely would appreciate consolidating his more than titular power, since he has a Secret Police of his own now.

It's so secret, this new State Security Force, since its inception, there has been very little publicity about its actions. Anywhere. That is curious.

Goss has made many enemies in many competing factions over the years. He is the kind of dirty handed spook Richard Nixon would've liked and probably worked with. From Wikipedia the "open source" summary of his career.

Still, in this engagement of the Cold Civil War, heads have not literally rolled. This is encouraging. It seems, however, the main$tream media continues to be boggled by it all.

Situation normal...

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