Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Space: the final absurdity?

Doubtful. The silliness going on in Washington may be a black hole, but we've only begun to detect the event horizon.

Laura Rozen discusses the source rising buzz that the old Star Warriors have been using Darth Rumsfeld's satellites to spy on Americans.

Well. Maybe. I'm sure if the Chancellor could sink a few billion here and there into General Dynamics or Westinghouse or Computer Science Corporation/ DynCorp pockets to try to see into Al Gore's bedroom window, he would. In fact, I'm sure he has.

But it really doesn't matter because there are other tools- like phones and medical records and banking and internet records to figure out everything Al Gore's been doing for the last 6 years.

And AL KNOWS IT. And still does what he's got to do.

So yes, I hope Russel Tice finds someone to listen to him. Carefully. That's a lot of money, even by Pentagon black budget standards, the Star Wars crew has. But dammit all, it smells like a red herring of diversion to me.

You don't need to worry about unseen snoopers a hundred miles up reading your license plate.

You've got plenty of cameras and officious bastards right here on earth ready and willing to note your license plate if you've still got your "Enron/ Halliburton '04" bumper sticker.

You've got theocon maniacs rallying in the tens of thousands in major cities calling for a jihadcrusade against the infidels.

You've paleocon racists wanting to deal with immigrants the same way the Nazis dealt with outsiders in the early 20th century.

You've got a desperate politician deploying troops to our borders, alarming the hell out of the neighbors.

And you've got all those empty brand new concentration camps detention centers for the Undocumented.

Dear Leader may be down to his core 30 percentile. But watch it. The smaller the percentage of the population that supports him, the more insane they all will be.

No need to worry all about Skynet watching you. You've got enough trouble right here on the ground in this timeline.

1 comment:

spocko said...

Excellent post my good man! I know a little bit about data mining and collection techniques. Phone records are one thing, you know what will really freak them out? When they find out that MasterCard or Visa gave up their data without a subpoena.

That data is intensely private. And of course as always the "we need this info to fight the terrorists" will be used.
And the answer is "fine, go to FISA and get a warranty"
Too much time? Really? 72 hour free pass isn't good enough for you?

They already have so many tools but it isn't enough because it can NEVER be enough when you are fighting a verb.