It's bad enough cops have it. But really, what good does it do in civilian hands? Exactly how frequently are you going to use it to defend the Constitution of the United States?
Believe it or not, there are people who feel it their job to defend the Constitution. With firearms. And if they happen to want to force a citizen to do something, and if the citizen use a Glock to argue with them about it, guess who is going to win that argument in the long run? It won't be the citizen.

The reality is, the only thing a small easily concealed semi automatic handgun in civilian hands can do is be used against another civilian.
Does someone want to be militia? Fine, join the National Guard. Someone doesn't agree with what the National Guard is being used for? Fine. Just as long as they don't use a handgun to frame their arguments.
Because let's face it: with what the armies of the world are packing, even if you had to defend your home against an invader, a piddly Glock would be about as useful as a peashooter.

We need better weapons to change things, and the Power we must use does not come from the barrel of a gun.
Some people's disdain make it all worthwhile.
Hmmmm... a Glock may not be the best tool against an invading military force, but it's better than nothing. It would also work just fine against the deranged crackhead who decides to break in to your home or maybe the sexual predator who decides your wife is a tasty target.
While I certainly hope nothing like that ever happens, no one can guarantee it won't, and being armed is one way to throw the odds more in my favor that the perp's. A lot of bad things can happen in the 10 minutes it would take for the police to arrive, assuming you're even able to call 911 in the first place.
Statistically you're more likely to accidently injure yourself or someone else with it, or shoot a family memeber, than use it against an intruder.
That happens on TV, but not often elsewhere.
Also, a hunting rifle would be equally or more effective.
Concealable handguns are mostly used for violent crime. Despite the NRA propaganda, societies where everyone is armed to the teeth end up like Iraq. The idiots end up shooting up the place and driving out the civilized.
its obvious that you never watch the news or pick up a news paper. bad things happen all the time in real life and not just on tv. where i live its widespread. you hide behind the word "concealable" like it matters. my hunting rifles are as "concealable" as i'd like them to be. look at the sniper incedents that occur here in the U.S. how concealable is a BOEING aircraft? its still used as a weapon. the purpose of a handgun is whatever the intent of the owner is. flat out. i have some i only shoot for recreation. i have some for nestalgia. i have one designated to kill any person who poses a threat to me or my loved ones. handguns ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. what do you have to say about stabbings? or bombings? or BEATINGS OR ROBBINGS?! edjucation is the problem sir. do not blame glock because of that person out there who accidentally shoots himself with it, do not blame glock for the spycopath who takes his family out with it. blame yourself for sitting on the computer blaming glock when you could be out promoting gun edjucation and youth correction/ betterment programs. you jackass
statistacally, i'm 10 percent gay, 20 percent black and 60 percent female.
80% of all statistics can be made to say anything you want… 50% of the time.
If you do an analysis of cancer patients, you will find that 76% own a Toyota.
A full 82% of abusive spouses own a Toyota as well.
If Toyota only knew they were creating cancerous wife beaters and not just supplying the most popular vehicles…
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