If the God of Peace were inclined to wrath, Arthur Silber's gone and documented the reasons for the Plagues the Empire has coming. Not that wrathful-type deities spare the innocent living in the belly of the Beast, but just for the record, when Armageddon arrives there will be more than a few of us awake for it. We've been trying to give the Beast indigestion, but in order to have heartburn, it seems a heart is requisite.
But once again, with feeling, a God of Peace isn't a God of Wrath. They're very different sorts of memes. Civilized deists like Oliver and other Christian and Jewish and Muslim (and Hindi and Buddhist et alia) Dems for peace aside, this poll is probably representative of America's tendency not to look at the world around it too deeply or think much about what it believes. But don't be confused: if you pray for your God to smite your enemies, chances are the God you want will be the God you get.

But maybe John Titor was on the right track. With two top-spin, dual positive singularities in your ride you can trip to a bubble of the multiverse where nobody's got Cthulhu dreams of righteous glory on their squamous Imperial minds.
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