I get
I would like you to make a post that backs up your "Chaos is the plan" contention. ...architects of power do not want chaos (because chaos would threaten their control). What they want is control and to keep the people pacified and asleep. Chaos would work against their goals. In the case of Iraq, you would say that the chaos they have caused there is by design instead of the incompetence I see.
Complacency is certainly selected for, anon., but there are certain inevitable results of our dependence on fossil fuels. You might find the
link that Logan sent interesting. These results aren't secret, and the cliff Logan refers to has been visibly approaching for quite sometime.
It's also unneccessary. Most of the things Al Gore supports to end the climate crisis would produce conditions where renewable energy becomes the norm. This avoids the cliff entirely. It also pretty much ends the strife in the Middle East with the end of the Great Game.
Again, read Naomi Kline's
Shock Doctine. Watch the film on her home page.
One could spend a very long time trying to find a policy of the Bu$h administration that worked the way it was sold. It's a hallmark of these authoritarians to mislabel every action for what it isn't. The Clean Air Act. No Child Left Behind. The War on Terror. Some people argue this is incompetence, and perhaps on one level it is. But patterns do emerge.
One of the central themes of this website is that the criminals that make up the government fully intend to use every opportunity for disruption to press forward their agenda. Darth Rumsfeld's Pentagon lost a trillion dollars between the cracks, and the day after it was announced, a Saudi dissident group initially trained by the CIA pulled off 9/11. The disaster on 9/11 gave us the Iraqi war, with an insurgency principally fueled by Saudi funding. The disaster of the Iraqi war has resulted in $2.4 trillion in expenditures, most of it unaccountable.
No little bit of it goes to the private contractors that support the crime syndicate that rules us. You can count the Saudis in on that, too. And you can find links for all this throughout this blog. So I won't repeat them all here.
But I will give you a
couple of links that lead to a lot of other links to get you started.
And another
old post of Stirling Newberry's that I find germane.
Of course, this post wouldn't be complete without a link to
Shystee's Emergent Conspiracy Theory, the Correntewire
thread of posts it has generated, and my own interpretation of it's implications.
There's no accident involved with making big money, and believe it, Bu$hCo-Cheneyburton have made
big money.
Lambert has
elaborated on my corrollary that you've noted.
Finally, let's leave you, anon., with a little recent
Jeff Wells:
...We have rulers who look like us, and appear to talk to us about what we're told are our concerns and values, yet whose experience and environment and whose own values are so alien to our own that they may as well be aliens themselves. In turn neither do they recognize themselves in us, and only grudgingly and for their own ends use the power of state with egalitarian benevolence. You could call them reptiles, but just as truthfully you can call them Morlocks. And if you do then you must know what they eat...