Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Straw Woman Argument

Digby notices the Hillary is the one thing all the Rethuglican preznitial candidates are really running against.

The comments are great:

Hillary is the briar patch candidate. I think they're really afraid of Edwards. They would be afraid of Dodd except that they know that they can count on the Dems to destroy him...

Hillary is a lot more like them--in actual policy positions--than some fire-breathing, cloven-hoofed leftie (and, hint, hint, she has been, for most of her professional life).

Just as with them, she'll be more mindful of Wall Street, of the private insurers and the WalMarts of the country than she should be, but what she won't do is promise right-wing judges and support legislation to overturn Roe v. Wade and promote anti-gay Constitutional amendments...

Hillary is the GOP's only hope of retaining the White House. She's the only candidate the Repubicans hate worse than Bush...

...Do you not understand that Clinton is who they are salivating to run against? She is the only one they have a chance of beating, and not because she is a woman (though that will motivate some) but because she is a Clinton, the most reviled, among the wingers, politician since Lincoln. They hate her more than Carter and Gore put together. She is the one galvanizing pol that will bring out every fucking confederate wannabe from sea to shining sea. Why do you think the right has made her primary win a foregone conclusion? They want Hillary! They think, and it may be true, that they can beat Hillary and if not, they will beat the dems over the head w/ her for her one term in office (and it will be one term because she will not do what is necessary to put the economy back in shape once the 10 trillion dollars in bills come due.)...

Lets see a few hours earlier Digby was suggesting that the Democrats can win while suffering a near catastrophic drop in support among those horribly racist "White Males". Want to make a bet???

Funny thing, all those White Males losing their livelihoods to globalization, "Free Trade" and unsustainable levels of both legal and illegal immigration tend to be in relationships with women who are suffering right along with them. Any pollster worth a shit will tell you that White Males and their wifes/partners always have turnout rates that surpass single females and any other racial minority. So while the Democrats might hope to win votes with excessive pandering to Latinos by promising to back further futile and wildly unpopular attempts at "Comprehensive Immigration Reform", the likely result will be to insure a massive defection of record turnout "White Males" to any candidate that promises to enforce our existing immigration laws that will more than swamp any additional Latino votes... Digby needs to take a time out and read this article by always wise David Sirota on the perils of the netroot's triumphalism and narcissistic self delusions...

Sad to say you can not make this shit up. Courtesy of David Sirota

"Rural Americans for Hillary"

According to ABC News, Hillary Clinton is holding a "Rural Americans for Hillary" lunch and campaign briefing at the Washington, D.C. offices of the lawfirm that represents Monsanto...

Obviously, a lot of people get it.

Even the Editorial page of the New York Pravda gets it, in a bizarre piece that bemoans the ineffectiveness of the Democrats on the FISA legistlation last week, without admitting it's not a done deal yet, and casually mentioning the Dodd hold in passing at the next to the last sentence. Without trying to drum up any support for it.

The disinformation runs deep. The system obviously is being kept from working. Chaos is the inevitable and planned result.

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