Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Golden Rule of Priorities

Them as has the gold makes the Rules.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City health officials scrambled to explain themselves on Thursday in the wake of media reports about bankers who got scarce H1N1 flu vaccines through their employers.

Members of Congress fired off letters demanding immediate explanations and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reminded state and city health officers of the need to make sure the most vulnerable people get shots first...

Our delicate CEOs obviously remain more equal than anyone else.


...As everyone knows, the Wall Street Masters of the Universe are the most talented, valuable, productive, superior members of our society despite the fact they almost destroyed the economy and thus cannot be asked to give up their obscenely greedy bonuses even as unemployment is at 10%. So it stands to reason that they should be at the front of the line for the H1N1 vaccines. We simply can't take the chance that the most essential people in our entire nation might get sick.

Sure, they may not technically be in the high risk groups, many of whom are unable to get the vaccines, but we can't afford to take any risks with our most precious national resources: hedge fund managers and investment bankers. Although they took outrageous, irresponsible risks with the world economy, as if they were drunks putting it all on red at a sleazy Las Vegas casino, that's no reason for us to do the same thing with their health. Let's keep our priorities straight here. John Galt always goes first.

They in fact are the most essential element of society to the politicians that couldn't get $elected without them.

It's why Bu$hie won in 2000. Their support is also why Obama won in 2008, alas.

Consider this: if Cheney had been as amiable to the banksters as Poppy always was instead of Lord of the Undead, it is quite likely all appearance of being a Republic would have been swept away.

All the establishment of an iron fisted Empire needs is someone willing to put that iron fist in a velvet glove in a politically acceptable way to the people that own the process.

Of course, once an effective autocrat takes power, the unco-operative banksters will be sent to the camps along with everyone else in his way- but it will be too late by then to stop it.

Every day we let our current $electoral process continue is another day closer to the absolute end of our Republic.

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