Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Don’t blame Mr. Obama."

Sorry, Dr. Krugman.

From the Endless War to the endless behind the scenes business-as-usual, Barry ran for President on a platform of Change.

What we got was more of the $trange. Poppy's Bu$hCo still runs the D.o'D. Health care reform became insurance bank$ter pork. The Wall Street crime cartel that is wrecking the world's economy is still at it and draining the Treasury. To point all this out is to not be taken Seriously by the Village that considers itself our- and the world's- ruling class.

I do in fact blame Barry Obama, because he put himself there. I do not care if he's a prisoner of the $ystem. He locked himself in the bank vault. He is doing his best to stay there without helping the majority of Americans who put him there.

Oh no. Among others, America decidedly blames Barry. When a Republican runs against a Republican, the Republican always wins.


Dr. Piggot Allwhyne said...


Barry is a CIA groomed robot. "Community Organizer became President, through intelligence and charisma"

As they say, the other one has bells on it.

Barry is the PotUS designed by and instituted through the same crew that shot xFK. "Hello, Poppy!"

Cannonfire blog had a decent look into the sponsorship of our Manchurian Candidate.


kelley b. said...

You are preachin' to the choir here, Dr. Allwhyne, but go ahead. I agree with you. Look at some of my past posts.

There are some things most people aren't ready to hear, but they are beginning to wonder.

Anonymous said...

"What we got was more of the $trange. Poppy's Bu$hCo still runs the D.o'D. Health care reform became insurance bank$ter pork. The Wall Street crime cartel that is wrecking the world's economy is still at it and draining the Treasury. To point all this out is to not be taken Seriously by the Village that considers itself our- and the world's- ruling class."

on point. as always, usually several times a day you are.

Anonymous said...

to the extent that everyone wanted to get out from under the negativity and unbelievability of 8 long years of bush, prez Barry is to blame