Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, December 03, 2010

it depends on which people you speak of


...The real question is what Mr. Obama and his inner circle are thinking. Do they really believe, after all this time, that gestures of appeasement to the G.O.P. will elicit a good-faith response?

What’s even more puzzling is the apparent indifference of the Obama team to the effect of such gestures on their supporters. One would have expected a candidate who rode the enthusiasm of activists to an upset victory in the Democratic primary to realize that this enthusiasm was an important asset. Instead, however, Mr. Obama almost seems as if he’s trying, systematically, to disappoint his once-fervent supporters, to convince the people who put him where he is that they made an embarrassing mistake...

I think Obomba and friends are taking care of their own quite nicely, as is evidenced by the response of Bombi's $enatorial Mentor, Joe Lieberman, who shut the site down.

But only after hearing the next release would be all about Bank of America...

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