Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Them that don't do politics will be done."

...I'm telling you that our leaders lie to us, they lie to us systematically, they lie to us with a purpose that may not be your purpose. Some of their lies, if you're a young man, may motivate you to go off some day and die, be killed, or to kill people.

And the only way you can defend yourself against other people programming you--because we are programmable, marine corps boot camp taught me that--they can teach you and get you fired up and they say charge and you will charge up the hill without asking why, and perhaps may not come down the hill feet first.

The French have a saying that I mangle in translation "Them that don't do politics will be done." If you don't defend yourself by filling your mind with a true understanding of what's happening in the world then others will fill it up for you, and then at some point in time use the information and the conditioning that they planted in your mind and breast to use you...

-John Stockwell, 1989

Next item to consider: why did they let him talk?

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