Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Are they talking about the same Person?

Those of you that know me know that I'm what some people refer to as a "souless atheist".

I don't see it that way, quite, but it seems to me no person has an undying part. If we do our best to make the world a better (or worse) place, our actions and ideas can and do live on. But when we sleep, we sleep, and it's silly to stay up nights and worry about it.

A friend sent me a link awhile back, pointing out that there are a lot of Christians who actively oppose what Bu$hCo is doing to America. Let me apologize to him: I lost the link. There are lots of Christian voices against what Bu$hie's pushing on us.

But on the other hand, there are a lot of wack jobs like this who not only support Bu$h, but extend their fear and hate out to the "heathen" world.

If you haven't encountered it, an excellent parody site of the mindless side of the Christian religion is found here . I particularly like their Bible Quizzes , which are pretty well designed to show you no rational human being since about, oh, 3000 B.C. would believe the Bible is the Literal Word of God.

For those True Believers out there, my apologies and my sympathies.

Unrequited Love hurts the most of all.

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