Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Riding a hoax of a different color

John Titor advised moving out of the cities.

The Disappearings here, like the bad years in Argentina, start in 2005, apparently.

The global situation continues to deteriorate. It's getting a damn good start now, with Putin accusing the CIA of interfering in the Ukraine and Chechnya. Apparently nukes will be exchanged in 2015.

Now, I realize this is all a lot of garbage. Certainly this must be a hoax. And not even funny.

In fact, since the first set of predictions were made, in spring 2000, we've done the unthinkable. We went to war in Iraq. We are decidedly spiraling towards a NeoTheoCon fascist state.

So what if the John Titor hoax is a hoax of a different color?

If you were deep in the intelligence community, and you found that your peers weren't simply CIA, they were Bu$hCo Company people, and that they had a definite plan for the unthinkable and a timetable for that plan, maybe you would try to leak out the details of that plan.

Just sayin'.


AJ said...


Great post! Found your name on an RI comment. I coincidentally just did a post on John T.
Your perceptions of what he might have been (if NOT a real Time Traveler, then a weary CIA insider trying to apease his conscience), is exactly what my take is.
Excellent! I'm marking your site.

s4ndm4n said...

rofl. I came here for a laugh. it worked.