Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The fix was in.

What happened November 2nd? And Why?

Kerry and Edwards said they were going to count every vote. They told everyone they were going to make sure the debacle of 2000 wasn't repeated this year. But the day after election, Kerry concedes, despite widespread reports of voting errors, malfunction, and suppression in two of the most pivotal states, Florida and Ohio.

Kerry is part of the same culture that produced the Bush family. He belongs to the same society as both Poppy and Junior at Yale. This was one thing that disquieted a lot of people.

Obviously there are major differences between Bush and Kerry. Kerry's usually come down on the progressive side of things. He's developed some very powerful allies, among of which is a major donor , the multibillionaire George Soros .

Soros is an interesting player. In addition to being a major bankroller of the Democratic party, he's also a major source of income for MoveOn. Recently he's also become a patron of the most vocal liberal blog sites and partisans like Michael Moore.

Soros is also a major contributor and investor of the Carlyle Group . You know, Poppy Bush's people . Established right after Poppy stepped down from Gerry Ford's CIA. Where old cabinet members, presidents, and CIA agents go to bank their money.

It wasn't an election, it wasn't a selection, it was merely an attempt at a friendly takeover.

The guys at the top of the heap worry most about keeping the blank check coming in for endless war.

The Democrats rolled over because their constituents- and a big chunk of America- were ready to seriously shake up the system if they acknowledged the Republicans had stolen yet another one.

That would have been bad for business.

Soros makes far more money off of Halliburton and General Dynamics and General Electric and Becthel and all the other Carlyle subsidiaries than even the Bushies do.

When the same megacorporate conglomerate makes money no matter who's in office, you have to look at the whole issue a little more carefully.

The final issue is what are these guys thinking? What motivates their policy?

I think at one level it's this :

In 50 years much of the industrial world will be moving to a preindustrial state because there won't be fossil fuels to run industrial economies.

Saudi Royals- big investors in the Carlyle group- are using religion and the war against Israel as a method to consolidate their power over a significant portion of the globe before their energy resources run out.

The Bush family- a wanna-be royal dynasty if there ever was one- has decided to use Christianity the way the Saudi royal families have decided to use Islam.

The Great Game is on again, and this round, winner keeps all, because they'll be no more fuel when they call time.

Soros may represent the social Darwinist fraction of the Carlyle Group. But basically he's in it for the bucks like everyone else. He's convinced pragmatism will ride the tide which ever way it shifts.

And as long as it's endless war, the blank check just gets bigger.

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