Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't fit in...

In the swirling malstrom that is the Iraqi occupation, pro-Western groups (with maybe a few thousand adherents) have had a hard way to go of it.

But why torture and kill a Union leader , particularly when the Puppet Master Negroponte has set Allawi's puppet government to do what Saddam's regime did: ban Unions .

This smells like redRumsfeld's Special Ops in a Black Spot directed action to me.

And to follow up a post of a few days back: microwave weapons are now being used on Iraqi rioters.

Do they use the popcorn setting, I wonder?

And regarding such Patriot activity quietly sanctioned here in the USA: it seems to have been going on for quite some time now among scientists not towing the Bu$hCo War line.

And I thought I had it bad just losing my NIH funding. Another reason to use my pseudononymous email address...

Thanks to jb and Central Scruitinizer and cheney_usa on the incomparable Eschaton boards for the links. A note to those who want to regularly see what's going on in the wider world: there's no place better than the food fight at Atrios's place.

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