Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I get letters

I get asked

Just so I understand you...

Do the Iranians pose no threat to us or our allies if the have nukes?

Thanks *

It is a good, civil, and reasonable question. My reply?

No more than the Russians or the Chinese. Or the North Koreans.

We helped produce the conditions to bring the current Iranian president into power. Until recently, Iran was moving towards a secular government. We also, through Bechtel and Rumsfeld's Swiss proxy ABB, have helped them build their uranium mining and nuclear capabilities.

Iran with nukes is dangerous, but certainly no more so than the North Koreans.

We should not let ourselves get sucked into a war that benefits the Saudis again more than anyone else. Like war with Iraq, a war with Iran would benefit some multinational corporations. It would benefit Wahhabi jihad. But pre-emptive war with Iran under these circumstances would not benefit you or me, or the United States of America.

Pre-emptive war is a coward's way, won't settle anything, and will increase the tendency of other Powers to shoot first and ask questions later. Like torture, it violates international law. Like torture, it's supposed to do that, because many profit from the unrest. Pre-emptive war is for bullies, who are by definition cowards.

If Iran launches a nuke at us we can turn the whole country into a glowing mass of cinders. If it knows that, it won't do it. But if it thinks that once it has nukes, we will be as cowed as we are with North Korea, it will only work harder to obtain them.

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