Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Magical Thinking

Dear Leader's Faithful base is still in deep denial that we imported Negroponte into Iraq to organize the death squads- on both Shia and Sunni sides. As well as the sides of mercenaries posing as Shia and Sunni. It doesn't matter that the likes of Rumsfeld called for that just before the installation of Negroponte and the acceleration of the insurgency. It doesn't matter the likes of Sy Hersch extensively documented it. It doesn't matter kidnappers wear police unifroms.

It doesn't matter how much it gets documented.

They, and their cohorts, call reality-based conclusions like that deep paranoia.

I call their assertations at best magical thinking, at all times disinformation, and at worst downright lies.

No Hell below us
Above us, only sky

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