Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Motivations and Incentives

Noah Shachtman points to this:

Defying a veto threat, the Democratic-controlled Senate narrowly signaled support Tuesday for the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by next March.

Noah asks:

Is John McCain right, that even "a second-year cadet at West Point will tell you if you announce to the enemy that you’re leaving, it’s a recipe for defeat?"

McCain knows better. You can not win a war without objectives. Over 600,000 Iraqi civilians are dead from this war. We can win every battle and still not win the good will of the Iraqi people.

The real motivation behind this war is the oil. Not as much as to sell it on the market, but to keep it in the ground, to be sold at a higher price on a later day. This is not a war worthy of the United States military.

This is a war that is draining the blood and the will from the best of us.

It seems that is an objective of this war, although it is not an objective of our forces.

There are people who don't like what America stands for.

People do attack us. But instead of declaring war- the opposition of one nation against the other- there are better ways to deal with such people.

Because these people attacking us are a not a nation. Armies and war are not the way to fight them. Their tactics beat our tactics even though we win every battle.

Why? Because the terrorists don't play the same game the military does. A blind crusading endless war plays exactly into the hands of the enemies of America. When our nation throws away its principles for an Empire, the terrorists win and our nation loses.

You can have a Democracy, or you can have an Empire, but you can not have both for long.

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