You want to see some seriously sick programming?
"Our Children's Children's War"
Well, not if I can help it. Look here, though, at the complacent banality of evil:
...If you expect the War on Terror to end with the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, or with the establishment of a stable government in Afghanistan, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise. While the eyes of the world focus on those conflicts, the U.S. military is fighting an unconventional war that could last generations.
Widely known as the "War on Terror," the outgoing commander of the U.S. military's Central Command, Gen. John Abizaid, refers to it as "The Long War." Ted Koppel presents an in-depth special report on a war that may last longer than any in which the U.S. has been involved before.
U.S. military officials point out that al-Qaeda and other terror organizations are not thinking in terms of a campaign that will end in five, 10 or even 20 years. Instead, they are looking as far as 100 years into the future, and the U.S. has no choice but to do the same...
The third chapter in this trilogy is something that the Pentagon calls "The Long War." And what they're really referring to is the battle against terrorism, which many of the leaders in the Pentagon now perceive as being an endless battle — one that may go on for 20 years, 30 years or more.
So they have begun to preach the gospel that we have to adapt to this notion that we are in a permanent state of war, and that what we are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan and Somalia and certain other parts of the world right now and the way that we are fighting this, this war, requires a certain level of adaptation and we have to adapt to these new realities.
So the 9/11 show and how it's changed America, Iran and the influence that it's exerting throughout the Persian Gulf and the Middle East, and the Long War, those are all, in a sense, three chapters of the same story...
Where to start with this propaganda and disinformation?
Destroy the social and economic forces that create Al Qaeda. Come up with alternative energy sources removing the incentive of the war for oil. Don't support the people who want to attack Civilization and replace it with religious theocracy, whether Muslim, Christian, or any religion.
The Pentagon and the Company behind it see two real things in this: the blank check for endless war, and the prospect for Control.
What other motivation for this?

...Reuters yesterday reported on a recently issued study on future technologies written by the Pentagon's Defense Science Board. More than anything, it seems these outside advisers want a surveillance system that would put Big Brother to shame, and they're looking at the commercial sector to provide it:
William Schneider, the board's chairman, said a key finding was a need to track individuals, objects and activities -- much smaller targets than the Cold War's regiments, battalions and naval battle groups.
"It's really an appeal to capture and put into military systems the know-how that's already available in the market place," Schneider said in a telephone interview.
So, after reviewing the available technology, what specific types of things do they suggest the military needs? Well, one example, is the Pentagon wants TiVo, according the report (available as a PDF here):
"To counter these new threats, technology exists, or could be developed, to provide new levels of spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution and diversity. Furthermore, the ability to record terabyte and larger databases will provide an omnipresent knowledge of the present and the past that can be used to rewind battle space observations in TiVo-like fashion and to run recorded time backwards to help identify and locate even low-level enemy forces. For example, after a car bomb detonates, one would have the ability to play high-resolution data backward in time to follows the vehicle back to the source, and then use that knowledge to focus collection and gain additional information by organizing and searching through archived data."
Much of the report comes as little surprise: the science advisers want to move away from Cold War-era weapons and toward technologies that can be used in urban conflicts. Small sensors, finding better ways to use data, and an emphasis on increasingly popular "influence operations" all figure big...
They're proposing total surveillance of the population, continuously, captured digitally for all time, promoted and performed by "the commercial sector", for the Security State. The commercial sector, performing government funded "influence operations". Wait a minute: they're already doing that.
Do you need any further evidence the people proposing this are authoritarian psychopaths?
Yes, there's a psychopath under every bed and beneath each rock. It's a psychopath jungle out there!
Not every one.
Only the beds and rocks that want to rule the world, jami.
There aren't too many of those, thankfully!
I appreciate this post. It is frightening how these psychopaths are in power and destroying everything. There is a great book by Andrew M. Lobaczewski called Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes, that explains how these psychopaths get into power and how they operate that you might like to read. You can find a review of the book at : http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/political_ponerology_lobaczewski.html
Thanks for your comment, anon.
Although your site does have some insights on how abherrant minds operate, I find a lot of what's being said there a little non-reality based.
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