Hiroshima, 1945, August 6, sixteen minutes past 8 AM.
Who really gave that order?
Answer: Control. The Ugly American, the instrument of Control.
Question: If Control’s control is absolute, why does Control need to control?
Answer: Control… needs time.
Question: Is Control controlled by its need to control?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Why does Control need humans, as you call them?
Answer: Wait… wait! Time, a landing field. Death needs time like a junkie needs junk.
Question: And what does Death need time for?
Answer: The answer is sooo simple. Death needs time for what it kills to grow in...
We have a new type of rule now.
Not one man rule, or rule of aristocracy, or plutocracy, but of small groups elevated to positions of absolute power by random pressures and subject to political and economic factors that leave little room for decision.
They are representatives of abstract forces who’ve reached power through surrender of self. The iron-willed dictator is a thing of the past. There will be no more Stalins, no more Hitlers.
The rulers of this most insecure of all worlds are rulers by accident, inept, frightened pilots at the controls of a vast machine they cannot understand, calling in experts to tell them which buttons to push.
The thing about the ancient god-meme of Dominion is that it's a dragon eating itself. Avedon yesterday, on Corruption:
...Fundamental to the freedoms of our society is the idea that we try to prevent corruption throughout the system. Although we have never perfected that, we have managed to maintain at least the ideal that we prosecute officials who are involved in bribery, extortion, or other abuses of the system for personal or partisan gain.
The parts of the world we have always regarded as barbarous have been those where bribes and cronyism were more the standard than the exception. It is taken for granted there that prosecutions are matters of political favor, that people are tortured, that bribery and extortion are how the government runs.
And those things are illegal in the United States, and it used to be illegal for any American official or company to be involved in bribery in dealings abroad. Is it still? Who can tell? For the last six years, we've seen it happen even on the Senate floor.
But at rock bottom, a system of law that applies equally to all, and a judicial system that, at least when it works, works to root out corruption in high places, is the assumption that makes our system possible. Without it, we can't even make a start at saying America is "a free country".
We never helped create a judicial system in Iraq.
As they have done in our own country, the administration has helped "elect" leaders in Iraq that are chosen not for their ability to administrate a troubled country, but to satisfy their political (and business) needs. The result for Iraq has been, obviously, a catastrophe. And Katrina was the flash that exposed this same philosophy for the American public - another catastrophe.
But an even larger disaster is waiting for us down the road if we do not stop them in their tracks. We cannot come to any conclusion in Iraq, we cannot restore our economy, we cannot begin to rebuild all that we've lost over the last six years, let alone what we lost from the beginning of the Reagan administration, if we don't first make a definitive statement that this is not what America is about and we will not put up with it - and that the price will be high for anyone who has been involved with it, or who tries it on us again...
Beyond any short term financial perks for the perpetrators of the Bush crime syndicate, this is the real goal of the group of aristocrat wanna-bees who would rule us: far more than hating liberalism per se, they want absolute control.
And so we come to the question: how to put an old demonic meme, the Worm Ouroboros of human nature, with genuine belief that "...better a hundred such [commoners] should die than one great man's hand be hampered," to rest?

1 comment:
great post kelley b.!
As I often suspect, you are thinking about the things I do but on a higher plane (smart quantum entanglement?)
Maybe we just read the same stuff.
One thing that I've been thinking about is HOW people think about the people who are corrupt and how the right wing think tanks and radio push the message that "the great man's hand" should not only NOT be hampered but that to do so would mean that the the lowly listeners would be limiting THEIR OWN POTENTIAL GREATNESS. That is the key, and that is why they LOVE to invoke Reagan. He gave them a lie to believe in that allowed them to be the selfish bastards they wanted to be.
Of course behind the scenes he was a disaster, but the people who worshiped him, WANTED to believe in their potential for success and good.
And what the paid right-wing pundits (and corporate media who have been co-opted) intentionally try and play down, is that the desire for Justice is also very strong.
When American People SEE WHO was responsible for the bad things that happened to them, they get angry and they want justice.
The work of Rove, Huges and Cheney have been to block from the American people what they are doing while they get their loyal players in place. And when loyalty is more important than the law you get an environment where corruption happens.
There is a website that sends a news letter. Holdthemaccountable.com
That I really like. The author reminds us that not only did they do wrong, but they got away with it. And they will continue to get away with it unless the media do their job and then the lawyers can do their job. Sadly the second tier people will be caught (Libby not Cheney) but that does open the door to see more corruption. Plus, those people weren't innocent. But if they co-opt the media and change the laws (AG!) then you are really screwed.
Your fan,
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