Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Codex Alimentarius

If you headed an multinational corporation that wanted to have a monopoly on all the world's food supply, what would you do?

Well, first you might pay for some multinational regulations in the guise of Free Trade.

Then you might go about making it illegal for anyone but your corporation to grow and sell food. Or make it illegal to eat it if you didn't grow it. All in the guise of "food safety".

Now once upon a time the FDA handled things like this, but that was before Bu$hie drowned the government in a bathtub. So now that the official face of guvmint has changed from Stern Daddy to Soul Big Brother, there will be action. Of course, not by reviving the FDA.

Where's the campaign contributions profit in that?

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