Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Secret Government v2

You thought- may still think- your vote made a difference.

George Washington knows better:

Yesterday, in his appearance before Congress, Bernanke revealed with a single word who really runs the United States:

Senator Sanders: "Will you tell the American people to whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars?"

Bernanke: "No"


Indeed, Bernanke and Treasury refuse to provide this information even confidentially and off-the-record to Congress. And the official overseer of the TARP bailout program can't even get the information of where all the bailout money is going.

With his single word "no", Bernanke revealed that Congress is impotent and out of the loop. In other words, Congress doesn't really run the country in the core area of business, finance and the economy. The financial giants and their servants at the Fed and Treasury do.

Indeed, Bernanke's testimony is related to - and as important as - the fact that the warmongers gave themselves dictatorial powers.

The warmongers and the financial elite run the country. The people and their elected representatives do not, except to the extent that those representatives play ball with the real powers-that-be behind the scenes...

This seems to surprise a lot of people. Others vehemently deny it. George Washington seems aware of it, giving a long list of quotes that suggest it's been our lot for some time. Like ever since the country was founded.

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