Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It all depends on what the definition of "in touch" means

If you define being "in touch" as blowing a better bubble, why, the resources of the U.S. Treasury are exactly what you need to show some skin:

The "clap louder for Tinkerbell" crowd thinks its all in our minds.

They also want to keep your savings in the casino [via Susie Madrak]. To them it's an integral part of the "recovery"- being able to bet the US Treasury as well as every cent you have or will ever make on the table.

They think that a bubble is a substitute for a real stimulus.

When in reality it's just a shell of hot gas.

So go on ahead and get that new adjustable rate mortgage. Things are only going to get better, right? You listen to your financial advisors, to your stock broker and bankster friends, and you'll put all your money back in the market, which is now backed by the U.S. government. The Chinese government, likely, too.

What could go wrong for in touch people?

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