Now that a mouthpiece of The One can
admit that Hope and Change ends up looking pretty much like Poppy's fourth term in office, it's
obvious what Obama is all about.
In war and finance the policies of Bu$h IV seem linked with the other three terms, and even with the two terms of the Clintonista, where a lot of the disasterous financial deregulation of today was first implemented. Certainly it has become clear a goal of the Obama administration is to institutionalize the takeover of the Treasury by a few major banks. But as many like
Ian Welsh point out:
...the simplest way to get banks lending again would be to either have the Fed lend directly to consumers, or have the FDIC take over a major bank like Citigroup or Bank of America and use that bank to lend at decent rates.
Instead of doing that, the Bush and then Obama administrations decided to give money, guarantees, loans and nearly free money to banks which were impaired and which needed to gouge their customers as hard as they could to make a profit. The result is that treasury secretary Timothy Geithner keeps saying the financial sector is fine, while more Americans lose jobs, consumer spending drops, banks won’t allow homeowners to get out from under bad mortgages even when it would save the bank money, and a new round of foreclosures is on its way.
Let's repeat that last bit, because grasping this fact is very important in trying to understand the lay of this new land we find ourselves in:
banks won’t allow homeowners to get out from under bad mortgages even when it would save the bank money
But banksters
like money. Lots of it. Lots. So this must mean they really do want to grab as much land as possible and sit on to sell again at a higher value in the recovery. One might even think this means Obama's crew are right and recovery is just around the corner.
That is,
if one was foolish. Dr. Doom is
not convinced at all. If this is the eye of the storm, perhaps we should take advantage of the clarity to look which way the wind is blowing.
One should always bear in mind a long known
inescapable fact. A more recent collation of the data graphically looks rather like this:

When the fossil fuels are gone the industrial powers will be by definition post-industrial. If nothing is done to generate renewable industrial energy, the general level of civilization- if you can call it that- reverts to the level of technological sophistication found during the 1700s over the next 50 years.
That bottleneck presents an unprecedented opportunitity for the psychopaths among us who would
To be fair, Barry O. has delivered Hope and Change. It's not his fault most people were too delusional to see what that change would be. Jebbie wouldn't have a shot in 2012 or -16 otherwise.
The big banksters have never had it so good. It's beyond their wildest Hopes. But I think this is just placement of pieces on the board.
There is some real Change coming as the oil runs out and the mass of humanity returns to a pre-industrial state over the next 50 years. The royal families- like the Bu$hies- who would rule us are positioning themselves to take real advantage of this turn of the tide.