Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

[it is said] No Way Out

Even the main$tream is starting to notice the antiwar President's packaging doesn't resemble content at all.

The anti-war crowd had waited years for this moment, when it could finally use its political muscle to end or at least sharply curtail American involvement in a war that seems endless.

Instead, Congress' most vocal anti-war activists were badly outnumbered this week when they tried to define an exit strategy for U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.

"We need a plan while we are there and a strategy for leaving," said Rep. Donna Edwards, D-Md., who last year defeated an eight-term incumbent Democrat who backed the Iraq war. "We don't have it."

They weren't even allowed a vote on a plan. It was a setback because for years, anti-war lawmakers lacked the votes they needed to impose restrictions on former President George W. Bush's war in Iraq. Now, the president is a Democrat, and the Democrats have a 79-seat majority in the House of Representatives and 59 Senate seats, including two independents, which gives them their biggest margins since the early 1990s.

Nevertheless, the anti-war crowd remains as impotent as it was during the Bush years amid widespread support for President Barack Obama and a public that's preoccupied with economic issues and largely unperturbed by the escalating war in Afghanistan...

That's the message the main$tream's spinning as hard as it can. It's also spinning that the Iraq war is all over (except for the shooting- which isn't newsworthy) but we're keeping all the troops there, too, just to, you know, help out. But it's almost over. Just another Friedman Unit or so.

So many New and Important Messages the main$tream has for us!

For example, we're told now a majority of Amerikans are against Roe vs. Wade, and want another social conservative on the $upremes. Like Fat Tony isn't good enough all by himself. There isn't a word about abortion in the Bible, but it's full of condemnation of usury, but the main$tream and their religious right cheerleaders are strangely silent on that point.

Among others.

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