Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Company Intelligence

Privatization is the Republican answer to everything including the War on Terra.

Of course, that means privatization is the criminal terrorist's method of choice to steal your identity. ChoicePoint had that happen through no fault of their own. Just ask 'em. So of course, to whom do the FBI and the D.o'D. want to subcontract their data mining for your identity?

Choicepoint. Of course, who else? Who is better qualified? And why would you possibly want to aid the terra'ists by looking for some one else? It's almost like suggesting we could have done better than give out no-bid contracts to Halliburton in Iraq. Or after Katrina, right here at home.

And why anyone else? After all, they're so close to the good ol' boys and girls of the Republican Party. Close enough to give them lists of people to scrub from voter roles- whether they deserved it or not.

Close enough, they originally planned, to plan to get DNA samples- and identities- for everyone in the United States.

Not that they would abuse such information- but who would halt free enterprise?

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