Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Denial of Service

Via Sharon Weinberger at Danger Room:

...Blackwater could have saved slain Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto. In fact, Bhutto wanted to be saved by Blackwater, reports my new favorite magazine Serviam (the modern merc's Soldier of Fortune)...

They're mercenaries private security contractors for goodness sake; they'll save whoever the heck pays them. That's the point.

No, that's not right either, they'll save whoever pays them, as long as the State Department lets them, and the State Department wouldn't let them save Bhutto, the magazine reports:

"Serviam has learned that former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, while campaigning for president in 2007, had asked for Blackwater to protect her from feared assassination. Highly placed sources tell Serviam that State Department officials, concerned about all the negative publicity from the Waxman hearings and the lawsuit, thought the company had become too controversial and vetoed the request."

I'm not discounting this version of events, but earlier reports from the Washington Times And the London Daily Telegraph indicated that Bhutto was looking at several security firms, including -- but not limited to -- Blackwater. Those articles, moreover, state that it was the Pakistani government, not the U.S. State Department, that cut the deal short (though I could imagine State Department balking at the deal as well)...

"Balking" is probably an understatement. They probably already had hired help ready to stand very close to Ms. Bhutto in her final moment of passion. In fact, they probably had insurance to make sure that moment came to be. Too many cooks might have actually saved the broth by mistake.

Speaking of passion plays, it looks like the Straight Talker has just won the endorsement of a big End-Timer.

It's always nice to think the man who wants to own the briefcase that could end the world has the support of the people ready and willing to see it end.

That's one service I'd like to pass on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you singularity !!!! Just found your site the other day. Plenty of issues for all to be wary of. Great work, Thanks again !