Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Any Which Way But Prosecute

Sometimes you wonder. Other times you know.

...House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., has issued a subpoena requiring Rove to appear next Monday to testify about the firings and other allegations that the Bush White House let politics interfere with the operations of the Justice Department.

Michael Hertz, the acting assistant attorney general, said in a court brief released Monday that negotiations were ongoing.

"The inauguration of a new president has altered the dynamics of this case and created new opportunities for compromise rather than litigation," Hertz wrote in the brief dated Friday. "At the same time, there is now an additional interested party — the former president — whose views should be considered."

Yes, you got that right. The last thing the DINOcrat government wants to do is prosecute the Reptilican government. Funny how that works.

The more things Change, the more they stay the strange.


Cosa Nostradamus said...

Once they're in power, it occurs to them that they might want or "need" to do something questionable some day. This increases the natural tendency toward professional courtesy, or honor among thieves.

This is why Congress exists, lest we find ourselves ruled by a King John one fine day. Their natural inclination should be to limit the powers of the Executive. But... What if THEY become one some day? And so on...

kelley b. said...

Read up on the concept of inverted totalitarianism someday.

The sons of King John figured out how it works back in the 20th century, and society is busy playing catch-up.

Cosa Nostradamus said...

Clever phrase. Hope it sells some books. But where's the "inversion"?

The Nazi's and the Fascisti never had any power but what the corporations gave them. They were modeling themselves on us. The only inversion here is that, in America, there is no opposition.

We never had a "Left," and now the weak center-left has drifted so far right as to be almost indistinguishable from the hard Right, except for their wishy-washyness. (Their better manners, they would say.)

Any attempt at real socialism in this country has always been met with overwhelming force. The State has long been a weapon of the corporations here, since before the Civil War. As long as Americans are unwilling to risk their own lives to fight it, that will never change.