Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

UnAmerikan Activities

You won't see this evaluation in the Wall Street Pravda:

...Volcker, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve famed for breaking the back of inflation in the early 1980s, mocked the argument that "financial innovation,'' a code word for risky securities, brought any great benefits to society. For most people, he said, the advent of the ATM machine was more crucial than any asset-backed bond.

"There is little correlation between sophistication of a banking system and productivity growth,'' he said.

He stressed the importance of preventing financial institutions large enough to pose a threat to the entire system from engaging in risky behavior such as running hedge funds or trading for its own accounts...

In other words, a little Las Vegas is still okay. Which is still the problem.

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