Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Immortal Zombie Meme Attacks the Third Rail

...Social Security does not need to be fixed anytime in the next 18 years. We don't need to increase retirement ages, we don't need to lift the payroll cap (and I don't care how progressive that sounds). Fundamentally it is not broken...

Stats following for those interested. [tip o'teh tinfoil to Lambert]

Of course Obama doesn't stay up at night planning how he's going to screw over the retired. After all, he's not republican.

But chances are he does think about how he's going to continue riding the tiger, and what he says indicates he's thinking of feeding the beast this.

I don't want to hear how he's misinformed. The man is far, far from stupid. The man is a politician. Fortunately many liberals are starting to remember this.

If Americans don't continue to respond vigorously and vehemently to this aspect of the Amerikan zombie meme, we will lose Social Security. Among other things.

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