Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

They have ways

cosanostradamus suggests the Pentacle Pentagon doesn't dig this "end the war on terror" talk.

Army Gen. Jack Keane is a busy man for a retired guy. At 66, most retirees, especially those with fat government pensions, would be taking it easy. Instead, "Old Blood & Treasure" is into taking the reins of power away from the lawfully elected President of the United States of America. Keane pretended to be installing democracy in the Middle East, but he seems to be looking to overthrow it here. The only question is, will it be a bloodless coup?

Has it been so far? Evidence suggests otherwise.

1 comment:

Cosa Nostradamus said...

Thanks for the link, and for spreading the word. This is a battle for control of our country, our world, between the good guys, us, and the bad guys, them. We've seen what they can do when left to their own devices. Now that we've kicked them out, we have to keep them out, and prevent their ilk from creeping in again.

We have to get behind Obama and keep pushing him left. Maybe someday America will be back in the real center of world politics, mixed-market democratic socialism. Instead of socialism for the rich only, and malthusian corporatism for the rest of us.

I mean, you know, if the Generals let him live.