Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Vertebrates and Spineless Wanna-Bees

Logan Murphy at Crooks and Liars reports that the AFL-CIO has finally decided to start showing some backbone:

The AFL-CIO went to bat for President Obama during the 2008 election and now they are standing their ground when it comes to one of his biggest campaign promises -- health care reform that includes a public insurance option...

...In mid-August a group of 60 progressive Democrats stood their ground, collectively stating that they would not sign a health care reform bill that doesn't include a public option -- the chorus of support for the public option is getting louder and and louder and any Democrat who votes against their party and their constituents on this issue had better plan on a fight come reelection time.

One can only hope.

One suspects, though that the One will uses his Congressional address next Wednesday to spank the progressives for the refusal to compromise.

What Mr. Obama should realize is that passing an insurance mandate without at least a public option and preferrably free Medicare for all ages and all health conditions is the surest way road to a one term presidency.

Then there's the matter of handing the bailouts to the banksters while refusing to seriously regulate them. This has produced a jobless recovery and is certain to produce another financial crisis if not Great Recession v.2 next spring and summer just in time for the 2010 midterm $elections.

Then there's the matter of Irag, which still has 150,000 troops + private contractors guarding the oil wells if avoiding the cities. Not to forget Afghanistan, either, which is a bull market for the arms suppliers, the mercenaries, and more troops.

Then there's the matter of neglecting to prosecute Bu$hCo-Cheneyburton for their lengthy list of crimes- which the One has aided and abetted in many cases.

The One could surprise us and grow a spine of his own.

It's just not very common occurence for the more highly evolved critters to re-grow what they've intentionally abandoned.

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