Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Monday, September 14, 2009

WIth Friends Like These, Progressives Need No Enemies

[via BagNewsNotes]

It touches me, somewhere, somehow, when a main$tream rag that never saw a word of warmongering fascism and Company disinformation from Bu$hie it didn't suck up and vomit across Amerika takes up the Oborg mantle of reform and comes out with a Serious issue cover like this.

I'll say it once more, and slowly.

No real liberal progressive wants to deny people health care based on their age or health.

However, most private insurance companies do: and that's why no insurance mandate without a public option and strict corporate regulation should be allowed.

That isn't to say there aren't DINOcrat idiots, astroturfing ingenuous trolls, and Company plants Seriously spewing this nonsense.

It doesn't help either when Obama assures voters he'll back a public option the same day the White House staff and proxies tell the main$tream media it's not so important to the Democratic Party.

Well, maybe not to the DINOcrats, anyway.

Exactly how is this not supposed to smell like a bait-and-switch?

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