Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Zombies with iPhones"

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tea Partiers Advise G20 Protesters
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Kevin Flaherty gets it:

...Sign waving is not resistance. Sign waving is part of the problem in the same way that voting is part of the problem. How’s that Change working out for the Obama supporters? (Some of those bozos are already talking about how they’re going to get it right in 2012…)

In the few video clips of the G20 protests that I watched, I saw a bunch of zombies with iPhones, running around like chickens with their heads cut off, as the Legion of Doom tested out its new sonic weapons and tear gas lobbing skills.

WTF is the matter with these people? Where does someone get the idea that the way to deal with Darth Vader is to wave a sign at him? Maybe a few, “Fuck the police” tweets will do the trick? Send out invites to join revolutionary sign waving groups on Facebook?!

While I vote regularly I am under no illusion it will resolve anything. While I blog regularly I don't see it resolving anything either.

...The U.S. is no longer a country. It’s a company town. If waving signs at the company’s goon squad just makes people look stupid, what does twitbooking about it amount to?

Here are some other ideas:

Eliminate your debt. Take your money off the table. Stop buying stuff that you don’t need. Live well on very little. Grow your own food. Participate in alternative and/or outlawed food economies for what you don’t produce yourself. Barter, or use cash. Support people who do good work. Finally, draw a line in the sand. Don’t tell anyone where that line is, or what the consequences will be if it’s crossed. Don’t wave a sign about it. Don’t twitbook about it. Let the fascists figure it out the hard way.

A nice trick if you can do it. You can say that effectively in the bush in New Zealand. Or until recently maybe in Montana. Nowhere else in the Empire can this apply. Other kinds of zombies go after you here.

Amerika is the diverse salad bowl of the zombie state.

One must be more resourceful to live in the belly of this beast.

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