Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Liberal Progressives have got to realize Obama is NOT on our side"

Via Avedon, please listen:

She linked to this, too, which is pretty vital you understand:

..."And that doesn't begin to touch what Dave Dayen calls the 'killer app' in the proposal - 'Cap revenue at or below 21% of G.D.P.' That would kill progressive government, one that 'promotes the general welfare,' forever. A revolutionary force at work, implacable and relentless."
Every time I hear someone saying it will take "a long time" or "years" or "a generation" to undo the mess we're in, I think, "Have you no understanding of history?" It was a miracle the Founders created what they did, and it took unique circumstances and thousands of years to get to that point. You think you're gonna come back from this? Unless something stops this train-wreck now - and I don't see anything like that happening - you can kiss it good-bye. Forever.

An understanding of history? In the United States of Amnesia? In the midst of economic shock therapy designed to make people hand over all their civil rights and money to their betters?

This is Rome, and the Visigoths are currently fighting our wars, not for us, but for those who would rule us. The day will come when we can not or will not pay our mercenaries what they feel they're due. That will precipitate the inevitable consequences of the road we're on.

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